Friday, 20 October 2017

T-SQL Query SCCM Users and their Primary Device (Including Multiple Devices)

In your environment you may have Users that have multiple machines E.G. some Users with Both a Laptop and a Desktop.

This SQL Query will display Users and their Primary computers (1 Row per User, which is achieved using the SQL Function Stuff).

The 3 Defined Columns are:
UserName CollectionName ComputerNames
However CollectionName is only useful if a Collection is being defined in your Where Clause.
Check Lines 17 & 28.

/*     .NOTES
        Created on:         20th October 2017
        Created by:         Matthew Swanston
        Filename:           DetectionMethods
              Provides a User and Machine information including Multiple Primary Devices

if object_id('tempdb..#consoleuser') is not null
       drop table #consoleuser;

WITH CTE_ConsoleUser as (
select TopConsoleUser00
join v_R_System on v_R_System.ResourceID = SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USAGE_DATA.MachineID)

 SELECT T1.TopConsoleUser00,     
 STUFF((SELECT Distinct ', ' + T2.Name0
 FROM   CTE_ConsoleUser as T2             
 WHERE  T1.TopConsoleUser00 = T2.TopConsoleUser00           
 FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') AS ComputerNames
 INTO #consoleuser
 FROM CTE_ConsoleUser as T1
 where TopConsoleUser00 like 'PROD\%'
 --Comment out Line 17 if you only have 1 Domain, or you don't need to filter the Domains e.g. DEV, Prod etc.
 GROUP BY TopConsoleUser00

select SMSID AS UserName
from CollectionMembers
JOIN Collections on Collections.SiteID = CollectionMembers.SiteID
JOIN v_R_User on v_R_User.Unique_User_Name0 = CollectionMembers.SMSID
LEFT JOIN #consoleuser on #consoleuser.TopConsoleUser00 = SMSID
--WHERE (CollectionMembers.SiteID = 'LAB001D7' and Distinguished_Name0 like '%OU=Europe Middle East Africa%' and computernames like '%,%')
-- Comment out Line 28 If you don't wish to limit on a Collection or Distinguished_Name0 or Multiple Computers Only (Filtered using a Comma)
ORDER BY CollectionName

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Create SCCM Collections For All Active Directory OUs

Imagine you have 100s of Offices across the globe, and you need to create a SCCM collection for every office you have.
I have created a PowerShell Script to Read a CSV file and then create SCCM Collections, with a WQL Query based on the OU String.

Prepare your CSV file in this format and Save to C:\temp\Collections.csv

Its important to follow this Structure as this is the expected format by the PowerShell Script.
If your enviroment operates in one country with Multiple Offices and Region isn't required please fill it out anyway.

The Region field is used for the Limiting Collection, so the Collections will created with the Region.

If this isn't required un-comment Line 21 #$LimitingCollection = "All Systems"

Change line 36 from -LimitingCollectionName $item1.region 
-LimitingCollectionName $LimitingCollection


You can manually populate your CSV, or use T-SQL Query on SCCM DB,
Or PowerShell Get-ADOrganizationalUnit

Or any other method you see fit.

select distinct System_OU_Name0
,right(System_OU_Name0,CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(System_OU_Name0))-1) as Office
,case when  System_OU_Name0 like ('%Europe Middle East Africa%') then 'EMEA'
         when System_OU_Name0 like ('%americas%') then 'Americas'
         when System_OU_Name0 like ('%Asia Pacific%') then 'APAC'
         else 'Unknown Region'
         End Region
from System_System_OU_Name_ARR
where System_OU_Name0 like '%computers%'
and System_OU_Name0 like 'PRODUCTION.MYDOMAIN.COM%'
order by Office

My work environment has the following AD OU Structure
With the OU holding, all the computers called Computers, and the parent OU called “Office”
Production.MyDomain.COM/REGION/Division/Business Unit/Office/Computers

So this SQL line below pulls out the office name by replacing '/computers' with ‘’ Nothing
And then using the Right command and CharIndex.

,right(replace(System_OU_Name0,'/computers',''),CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(replace(System_OU_Name0,'/computers','')))-1) as Office

The Script places the Collections into the Root of Device Collections.

You can move in Bulk manually or using this line (If required)

Move-CMObject -FolderPath $FolderPath -InputObject (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $Collection.Name)

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

SCCM Application Detection Method Advanced Query (Search SDMPackageDigest.XML)

SCCM Application Detection Method Advanced Query 
(Search SDMPackageDigest.XML)

I recently needed to re-sign all PowerShell Scripts in our environment because our Code Signing Certificate was about to expire.
Applications and Packages Content re-signing was straight forward by using PowerShell to Look for PS1 files, re-sign, and re-distribute to SCCM DPs.
(Using Start-CMContentDistribution)

However I needed to look at the Detection Methods being used and Global Conditions.
The creation of this script saved me hours, and manually without a doubt I would of missed some Applications.

Change this line to like '%.VBS%'  or your criteria.
and CONVERT(varchar(max), DeploymentTypes.SDMPackageDigest) like '%.ps1%'
Un-comment the line below to search for MSI Installs or Script, App-v Etc.
--and Technology = 'script'

/*     .NOTES
        Created on:         28th August 2017
        Created by:         Matthew Swanston
        Filename:           DetectionMethods
              Provides a search ability for SCCM Application Detection methods
              .e.g Searching for a Powershell DetectionMethod or VBS etc.
              Or Searching for Deployment Technology type E.g. Script or MSI
              DisplayName   DateLastModified       CreatedBy     Description   Technology    SDMPackageVersion       SDMPackageDigest
SELECT        Apps.DisplayName
FROM         dbo.fn_ListDeploymentTypeCIs(1033) AS DeploymentTypes
INNER JOIN dbo.fn_ListLatestApplicationCIs(1033) AS Apps ON DeploymentTypes.AppModelName = Apps.ModelName
WHERE     (DeploymentTypes.IsLatest = 1)
and CONVERT(varchar(max), DeploymentTypes.SDMPackageDigest) like '%.ps1%'
--and Technology = 'script'
order by Apps.DisplayName

Deleting a computer from SCCM With Powershell Script


Do you have IT staff who need delete resource access to SCCM for re-imaging purposes (e.g. Task Sequences only available to Unknown computers), but don’t wish to grant any access to the SCCM Console Itself.


  • Latest Console installed (That matches your current SCCM Infrastructure)
    • AdminConsole.msi
  • ConfigMgr2012PowerShellCmdlets.MSI Installed
  • Powershell 3.0 or newer
  • Must have a user profile for elevated account e.g. under       c:\users\SCCM.Admin.Matt.Swanston\
  • Permissions must be setup by our SCCM Administrator
  • SCCM RBAC access requirements:
    • Read, Modify Resource, Delete Resource
  • Import Reg Setting for Admin account

RBAC control requirements

Installing Prerequisites (SCCM Console and PSShellCmdlets)
Download Prerequisites installers 

Copy and paste command lines from RemoveComputerFromSCCM\Installers\Install.txt      Into CMD.exe (with Admin Account)

AdminConsole.MSI TARGETDIR="%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Configuration Console" ENABLESQM=0 DEFAULTSITESERVERNAME=FQDN.DOMAIN.COM /q /l*v c:\TEMP\SCCM1610Console.log

ConfigMgr2012PowerShellCmdlets.MSI /qn /l*v c:\TEMP\ConfigMgr2012PowerShellCmdlets.log

Check Install logs for 

Look for exit code 0 at the end of the log file.

Edit the Reg File 
Import ImportSCCM_Settings.REG Settings (With Admin rights)

Run Deletion PowerShell Script
Troubleshooting steps

Monday, 18 September 2017

T-SQL Query Collection Path SCCM Current Branch

T-SQL Query Collection Path SCCM Current Branch

Struggling to find a T-SQL query display the Location Path of a SCCM Collection?
There are PowerShell scripts to perform the same results, however I wrote the below query in SQL so that it can be published to SSRS.

/*     .NOTES
        Created on:        4th January 2017
        Created by:        Matthew Swanston
        Filename:          CollectionInformation
             Provides basic Collection Information including Collection Location Path.
             CollectionName      LocationPath  CollectionID       LimitToCollectionName      AssignedCount
with cte_CollectionInfo as (select CollectionName, SiteID, LimitToCollectionName
,CONCAT ('\' , F4.Name , '\' , F3.Name , '\' , , '\' , as LPath
from Collections C
join CollectionMemberCounts CMC on CMC.CollectionID = C.CollectionID
join FolderMembers FM on FM.InstanceKey = C.SiteID
join Folders F on F.ContainerNodeID = FM.ContainerNodeID
left join Folders F2 on F2.ContainerNodeID = F.ParentContainerNodeID
left join Folders F3 on F3.ContainerNodeID = F2.ParentContainerNodeID
left join Folders F4 on F4.ContainerNodeID = F3.ParentContainerNodeID
left join Folders F5 on F5.ContainerNodeID = F4.ParentContainerNodeID
where  f.ObjectType = 5000
--and CollectionName = 'Test 040117'
select CollectionName
,REPLACE(REPLACE(LPath, '\\\', '\') , '\\', '\') AS LocationPath
,siteid as CollectionID
from cte_CollectionInfo
order by CollectionName